My Favourite Monster

EP 25: Aboleths - Free mucus for everybody!

April 26, 2022 George Penney & Tony Johnson Season 1 Episode 25

In this episode Tony tries to get the tin foil hat off George so he can convince her how wonderful their new Aboleth "pet" is. Honest, it's the pet, not us. We wouldn't lie to you, fellow human.

  • Who needs rolled up newspapers when you have continent sized meteors and planetary self destruct buttons?
  • Is Aboleth slime the biggest thing to hit the beauty industry since collagen?
  • You really should take off that tin foil hat and move to a seaside community...
  • What does the song "Underwater Love" by Smoke City have to do with this?
  • What is a Veiled Master and why should we elect them immediately?

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