My Favourite Monster
Welcome to My Favourite Monster, a podcast where two professional house sitters, ttrpg fans and comedy fantasy fiction authors, George Penney & Tony Johnson consider every monster in the universe for their pet potential, one by one. Be it xenomorphs, Trogdor, Jaws or a mind flayer we will consider them all!
My Favourite Monster
EP 36 Alien Covenant Android rant - why is android stubble?
July 16, 2022
George Penney & Tony Johnson
Season 1
Episode 36
We rant and rave about the androids and magical black goo in Alien Covenant (and Prometheus).
Quite a bit, actually...
- Neutrino shockwave? just no.
- Join the egg sniffers guild today, we have cookies!
- Why android hair???
- volcanic glass >> magic faux genetic god alien
- Chekhov's gun misfires again
- And more!